Dennis Diec

Dennis Diec


How I built this website


I started on many personal websites and never finished one. Now it's time to get something done because I am reminded of the pressing nature of time; I find myself already at the age of 25 😞. Before I already build websites with Vue3 and using once Bootstrap the other time I used Element Plus.

I do put a lot of pressure on myself because I have high goals but I did not start to work for it because of constant distraction (no discipline) - welcome to the social media century - nevertheless...

Basically I looked up what's new, what can I try out and here I am - starting a new website with Next.js I really don't know why I switch to React. For me it is not difficult to work with new frameworks I mean it is just looking up docs and try out very often until it works. Of course I don't know why and what are the deepest meaning and functionality given with frameworks but maybe some senior may explain me in the future until then I just try to make it works.

Started reading the docs I saw this minimal blog which source code was accessible which I then tried to copy. I turned every js file into Typescript using ChatGPT because why not? I just wanted to use Typescript because it's trendy and also useful - I guess 😆. Also I added ChakraUI for some reason there was a problem with global.css but I kinda to fix it - it will not looks exactly like the example blog but who cares. I don't know why I added ChakraUI though - I watched a bit of devaslife he used it and I wanted to try aswell but I didn't use any components so far - maybe this should be also added on the roadmap 🤔.

So I have this 'selfmade' simple blog now and I will put more content on random topics on it.

There is a little roadmap in my mind right now. Maybe it will be change aswell but for now:

  • currently everything is frontend post are getting read from some typescript file and loaded in. i want to add a database (postgres) with a backend (springboot) so i can save my post in a database rather than in a file.
  • use chakraui
  • meta data are propably not correct - need to check
  • making a navbar
  • bio / projects / blog - pages
  • understand the code more
  • create little favicon for logo

Random braindump:

  • i did this in 2 days
  • idk what vercel is but at first i just wanted to deploy with firebase but it didnt went well like vercel i should read the doc more xd
  • if im deploying with vercel its full frontend -> i cant expand to springboot right now because then i cant deploy anymore on vercel but soon or later i need to host a server i guess for now its totally enough and nice i like the result 😊
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