Roadmap for this website (updated)
I think it is better to have like a continously updated blog post about my recent updates I added to this page so we all can follow along quite nicely 😝.
Hello, long time no see. I finally created a Navbar, was able to design a little logo for myself and adjusted the meta informations. I try to do weekly updates from now on the website. Meanwhile I did a 100 days animation challenge in After Effects where I explore my ability to learn a new skill. I could do till day 30 then university stroke again and I interrupted my challenge but the indermediate results were really good for my expectation. I always feel like I am able to do anything I want (growth mindset) if I put enough time and effort in it without any distraction (deep work). On the otherside this can be seen as negative because there are so many interesting things I want to try and it holds me back because I can't decide where to move on or what I really want to do in life. 😕 Nevertheless I am not sure on how to continue with this website. The basic stuff is implemented but my thoughts are currently on other things. So I will just list some ideas below which were at some point in time interesting. Thanks for listening 🙏.
- try more ui/ux fundamentals
- link my socials
- parallax effect
- feedback box
- google auth
- frontend accessibility (colorblind, fontsize, etc.)
- greencoding (less energy consuming coding)
- gather little coding projects ideas (tic-tac-toe, sort visualizer)
- create books review/summaries content
Finally I finished implementing vercel integrated storage with prisma client. I store my blog post in the database so I don't need to worry about local files but it is still inconvient to add/edit those post. Next up is:
- Create a navbar
- Use ChakraUI
- Rework meta information
- Revise the code base
- Create little favicon for logo
- adjust color themes
improved MD processing (currently using 'dangerouslySetInnerHTML')changed to react markdown - added colorModeToggle Button 😆
Check '_document.tsx' if it's necessaryspecial file used to override the default HTML document for the entire application (servier-side-rendering) - just leave it for now - own 😊
- launch on - im really happy 😊🎉🎉🎉